Pugh Matrix

The Pugh Matrix (also known as Criteria Based Matrix) is a method that helps determine which potential solutions are better (based on criteria) than others. It is a scoring matrix used for concept selection, in which options are assigned scores relative to criteria. The ‘best’ approach is selected based on the consolidated scores.


  1. Create a Pugh Matrix (ProcessMA template)
  2. Develop criteria to evaluate possible improvement solutions
  3. Assign rank (relative importance) for each criteria
  4. Identify alternative solutions
  5. Evaluate how well the possible solutions perform on each criteria and assign scores
  6. Compute the consolidated scores, sum product of scores for each solution and the criteria ranking
  7. Select the best approach with the highest consolidated score

To more reliable results, scores assigned should be based on fact and data on the process. For example, mock-ups, high level project planning to establish timeline and preliminary cost-benefit analysis should be carried out to support the process. The following figure is an example of using the Pugh Matrix to select the best approach to improve the workflow system of a process. In this example, it is more effective to build a system in comparison with making enhancements to the existing system.